Monday, February 28, 2011

Republicans are Lazy

Laziness is their defining characteristic. 
Or I should say one of their defining characteristics. 
I should know; I was a lazy kid. I used to drive my parents crazy. My mom would tell me that I spent more energy trying to avoid a task than it took to complete it. And I remember, with some embarrassment, that I would tell anyone who listened how hard I worked at school and my chores. It was utter bullshit from a kid who thought he was getting one past everyone, like Tom Sawyer and that whitewashed fence. In my moxie or shame I created a narrative that didn’t match with my own reality, much like the Republican Party.

This notion of Republicans being lazy goes against common perception.  They have created a narrative that they’re the party of hardworking, real Americans.   Republicans greet the day, with gusto, strap on their steel-toed work boots and grab a piece of the American Dream™.  I have this image in my head that your average Republican view of the world looks exactly like a Ford Truck commercial.  They even have a Bob Seger song playing in the background.  It’s this image that’s been repeated, over and over, until it seems that hard work and the Republican party are brothers in the fight for a better America.  This is complete and utter nonsense. 

The modern Republican party is just like me when I was a child. They’re trying to find any excuse in the world not to do their job. Just look at Scott Walker. Because he’s too lazy to do his job and sit down and negotiate with the unions, the little tyrant is tried to slam through the end of collective bargaining for state employees. He wants to push through whatever change he deems necessary in this invented crisis that looks like it came right out of The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein.

You see it’s easier to be authoritarian jackasses who just payback a corporate overlord than it is to sit down and solve a problem.  Last week when former governor of Michigan, Jennifer Granholm, was on The Last Word she said that Walker was choosing the lazy way to govern. She said it a couple of times and she was right.  I just hope in a year’s time, when the people of Wisconsin can start the recall process, they remember back and see what a complete asshole he was and expunge him from office. 

Can anyone say Governor Feingold? 

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